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폴아웃4 (Fallout 4) 무기코드

by 피크카라제 2018. 7. 14.

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※모바일에서는 코드표에 옆으로 밀면 코드가 보입니다. 손으로 밀어보세요


Icon gun 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon range 
Icon spread 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon ammo 
Assault carbine extended magazines 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
44 pistol.44 pistol4828.8611966351.2.44 round64.29919000ce97d
Eddies PeaceEddie's Peace4828.8612581.44 round6545490.800225ae9
Kelloggs pistolKellogg's pistol4828.8611970.44 round64.3449104.4
The GainerThe Gainer4828.8611974.44 round64.6468101.700225ae7
Fallout4 10mm pistol10mm pistol1882.8468360281.510mm123.55014.300004822
Fo4 wastelanders friendWastelander's Friend27124.2461077810mm247.3772128.7001f61e6
The DelivererDeliverer25165666067261.6910mm124.4774175.9000dc8e7
Classic 10mm pistol Gametitle-FO4 CC28411196210mm124.95310.8fe0xxf99
Fallout4 Flare gunFlare gun103314674400.25Flare125025001025ac
WesternPistolWestern revolver Gametitle-FO4 NW6036666400.25.44 round65.299xx0415b3


Icon gun 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon range 
Icon spread 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon ammo 
Assault carbine extended magazines 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
AssaultrifleFO4Assault rifle301204011972320.945.56mm3013.1144110000463f
Fallout4 Combat rifleCombat rifle33108.93311970251.32.452011.111710.5
Fallout4 Combat rifleDecember's Child Gametitle-FO4 FH33135415.56mm
Overseers GuardianOverseer's Guardian554959010976.452011.111710.5000df42e
Gauss rifle (Fallout 4)Gauss rifle1107266619169303.672mm EC715.822814.4000d1eb0
The Last MinuteThe Last Minute204662031122mm EC2021.665000022b603
FO4NW Handmade rifleHandmade rifle Gametitle-FO4 NW321284011972327.62 round1012.813610.6xx033b60
FO4NW The Problem SolverThe Problem Solver Gametitle-FO4 NW575659185927.62 round
SplattercannonSplattercannon Gametitle-FO4 NW51576.3113891087.62 round7523.66855290.5
Standard hunting rifle fo4Hunting rifle3711.1313171281.32.30859.6555.70004f46a
RebaIIReba II6425.6421592.308515.530619.7
Tinker Tom SpecialTinker Tom Special5516.53185112.308116.770642.3001f2675
FO4FH Lever action rifle 1Lever-action rifle Gametitle-FO4 FH3517.5512272261.35.45-705915016.7xx02c8b0
Fo4FH lever action rifleLucky Eddy Gametitle-FO4 FH3517.5512272.45-705920122.3
FO4FH Old ReliableOld Reliable Gametitle-FO4 FH7035512261.45-705980189
FO4FH Radium rifleRadium rifle Gametitle-FO4 FH271084011972251.08.452011.1807.2xx025fc4
FO4FH Radium rifleKiloton radium rifle Gametitle-FO4 FH271084011972.452011.1
FO4FH Radium rifleRadical Conversion Gametitle-FO4 FH271084011972.452011.1
Railway rifle (Fallout 4)Railway rifle1001001011969205Railway spike1014.429020.1000fe268
Fallout4 Submachine gunSubmachine gun1012712710763350.28.455012.71098.60015b043
Silver submachine gunSilver submachine gun1012712710763.455013.81218.8001b28f7
Spray n PraySpray n' Pray33419.11277769.4519108457.1
SyringerSyringerVariableVariable21197235Syringer ammo6.213221.30014d09e


Icon shotgun 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon range 
Icon spread 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon ammo 
Assault carbine extended magazines 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Fo4 combat shotgun standardCombat shotgun50100204723351.43Shotgun shell811.1877.80014831c
Fo4 justiceJustice50100203528Shotgun shell15.5107669.4
Le Fusil TerriblesLe Fusil Terribles62124207129Shotgun shell15.738924.8
Double-barrel shotgun (Fallout 4)Double-barrel shotgun4516236471630Shotgun shell29394.3300092217

-Pipe weapons-

Icon gun 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon range 
Icon spread 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon ammo 
Assault carbine extended magazines 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Fallout4 pipe pistolPipe bolt-action346.829563291.17.30863.2309.40014831a
Fallout4 pipe pistolPipe gun1371.5558357300.43.38122.3208.700024f55
Pipe revolverPipe revolver2414.468361350.68.4564.2256.00014831b

-중급 헤비무기들..-

Icon heavy weapon 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon range 
Icon spread 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon ammo 
Assault carbine extended magazines 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Fallout4 Fat manFat Man468111763607.8Mini nuke130.751216.7000bd56f
Fallout4 Fat manBig Boy486111739Mini nuke130.712405404.07
The StrikerThe Striker Gametitle-FO4 FH100111763601.66Modified bowling ball130.7251281.82xx031702
FO4NW Nuka-Nuke launcherNuka-nuke launcher Gametitle-FO4 NW833111763Nuka-nuke13665018.06
Flamer (Fallout 4)Flamer1210890475330Flamer fuel10016.11378.51000e5881
Flamer (Fallout 4)Sergeant Ash Gametitle-FO4 FH13117904753Flamer fuel10016.1
Harpoon gunHarpoon gun Gametitle-FO4 FH15021436340Harpoon116.320512.58xx010b81
Harpoon gunAdmiral's Friend Gametitle-FO4 FH15021436340Harpoon116.3100561.66
Harpoon gunSkipper's Last Stand Gametitle-FO4 FH16521436340Harpoon116.3100561.66
Harpoon gunDefender's Harpoon Gun Gametitle-FO4 FH15021436340Harpoon116.3100561.66

Fallout4 junk jetJunk Jet40201197530Most junk items29.92856.2000e942b
Fallout4 MinigunMinigun8217.627213135305mm50027.4382140001f669
Fallout4 MinigunAshmaker9281.731377395mm50028.7175561.1
Missile launcher (Fallout 4)Missile launcher15022036545Missile12131414.950003f6f8
Missile launcher (Fallout 4)Partystarter1502191107Missile28.54822 ? ?
Missile launcher (Fallout 4)Death From Above151220365Missile214479 ? ?
Mortar (Fallout 4)Broadsider10822036340Cannonball127.42459000fd11b

-에너지 무기-

Icon gun 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon range 
Icon spread 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon ammo 
Assault carbine extended magazines 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Fallout4 Institute pistolInstitute laser159966717025Fusion cell303.95012.8001633cc
Virgils rifleVirgil's rifle33217.86622785Fusion cell7.238453.300225aba
BaseLaserMusketFO4Laser musket30186717030Fusion cell112.6574.50001dacf
Fallout4 laser pistolLaser gun24120507125Fusion cell303.56919.70009983b
Fallout4 laser pistolOld Faithful29145507171Fusion cell4.5929206.4
Fallout 4 Survivors SpecialSurvivor's Special2619444742Fusion cell4.834070.800225abc
Protectron's GazeProtectron's Gaze Gametitle-FO4 AUT54307.8574744Fusion cell305.1352
Good IntentionsGood Intentions21237.311319482Fusion cell7.939349.7
Fallout 4 Laser RiflePrototype UP77 "Limitless Potential"241205022796Fusion cell6.535554.6
Fallout 4 Laser RifleRighteous Authority261305020376Fusion cell275.532659.3
Fallout 4 Laser RifleWazer Wifle552755030276Fusion cell6.336457.800225965
Gatling laser (Fallout 4)Gatling laser14380.827220330Fusion core50019.380441.7000e27bc
Gatling laser (Fallout 4)Final Judgment1447634020348Fusion core50019.33804197.1
Gatling laser (Fallout 4)Aeternus Gametitle-FO4 NW79355.54525163Fusion core50039.34799


Icon gun 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon range 
Icon spread 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon ammo 
Assault carbine extended magazines 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Fallout4 plasma pistolPlasma gun24+24115.53311930Plasma cartridge303.912331.500100ae9
Plasma gunExperiment 18-A25+256801362031406.6Plasma cartridge
Fallout4 plasma throwerSentinel's Plasmacaster


Icon gun 
Icon damage 
Icon dps
Icon attack
Icon range
Icon spread
Icon critical damage
Icon action
Icon dap
Icon ammo 
Assault carbine extended magazines 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Alien blaster pistolAlien blaster pistol5050010011920Alien blaster roundor Fusion cell422.51551620.4000ff995
Alien blaster pistolHub's Alien Blaster Gametitle-FO4 NW585801001497620Alien blaster roundor Fusion cell422.527511100.4
Cosmic cannon Gametitle-FO4 CCFusion cellfe0xx864
Cryolator (Fallout 4)Cryolator2018090716620Cryo cell2513.230222.900171b2b
Thirst ZapperThirst Zapper Gametitle-FO4 NW1002105xx007bc8
Salvaged assaultron headSalvaged assaultron head Gametitle-FO4 AUT35 + 45 Icon radiation119365Fusion cellCharged single shot8405xx0100b7
Tesla rifleTesla rifle Gametitle-FO4 AUT38152408370Fusion cell158.19011.1xx003e07


이 무기는 폭발로 인한 직접적인 피해 와 노출과 중독으로 인한 시간의 경과에 따른 피해 를 포함한 방사선 피해 를 일으 킵니다 .


Icon gun 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon range 
Icon spread 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon ammo 
Assault carbine extended magazines 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Gamma gun (Fallout 4)Gamma gun1101216611930Gamma round8315652000ddb7c
Lorenzos artifact gunLorenzo's Artifact gun25+1038.56620369Gamma round4.5753167.3002266f7
Gamma gun (Fallout 4)Zeta gun5762.766119Gamma round83.115650002266fc

-포이즌 무기-

Icon gun 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon range 
Icon spread 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon ammo 
Assault carbine extended magazines 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
AcidsoakerAcid Soaker Gametitle-FO4 NW11 ?663594 ? ? ?Acid concentrate20312542xx007bc6



Icon grenade 
Icon damage 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Baseball grenadeBaseball grenade101 Icon attackIcon explosion1404000107bd6
Cryogenic grenadeCryogenic grenade151 Icon attackIcon explosion0.550100000ff21d
Fragmentation grenade (Fallout 4)Fragmentation grenade151 Icon attackIcon explosion0.550100000eebed
FragmentationMIRV-NukaWorldFragmentation grenade MIRV Gametitle-FO4 NWIcon attackIcon explosion17575xx033905
Smart fragmentation grenadeSmart fragmentation grenade Gametitle-FO4 NW151 Icon attackIcon explosion0.660100xx0346fc
HalluciGen gas grenadeHalluciGen gas grenadeIcon attackIcon explosion13535000e98e5
FuryGrenade-NukaWorldFury grenade Gametitle-FO4 NWIcon attackIcon explosion13535xx02618b
PersuasionGrenade-NukaWorldPersuasion grenade Gametitle-FO4 NWIcon attackIcon explosion13535xx023e60
PredatorGrenade-NukaWorldPredator grenade Gametitle-FO4 NWIcon attackIcon explosion13535xx025b0a
Homing BeaconHoming beaconIcon attackIcon explosion10000065dec
FO4 Institute Pulse grenadeInstitute EM pulse grenade150 Icon electricalIcon explosion0.51002000018325e
Fo4 Molotov cocktailMolotov cocktail51 Icon attackIcon explosion0.520400010c3c6
Fo4 Nuka grenadeNuka grenade301 Icon attackIcon explosion + 100 Icon radiationIcon explosion0.5100200000e5750
NukaCherryGrenade-NukaWorldNuka Cherry grenade Gametitle-FO4 NW Icon cut201 Icon attackIcon explosion0.550100xx040cdd
Nuka Quantum grenadeNuka Quantum grenade Gametitle-FO4 NW301 Icon attackIcon explosion0.550100xx040cde
Plasma grenade (Fallout 4)Plasma grenade150 Icon attackIcon explosion + 150 Icon electricalIcon explosion0.51352700010a33d
Fallout4 Pulse grenadePulse grenade150 Icon electricalIcon explosionSecondary0.5100200000ff21f


Icon mine 
Icon damage 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Bottlecap mine (Fallout 4)Bottlecap mine301 Icon attack0.5751500010771f
Fallout4 Cryo mineCryo mine101 Icon attack0.5501000010c669
Fallout4 Fragmentation mineFragmentation mine101 Icon attack0.550100000e56c2
Nuke mineNuke mine301 Icon attack + 100 Icon radiation0.51002000010a340
Fo4 plasma minePlasma mine150 Icon attack + 150 Icon electrical0.51002000010a342
Fallout4 Pulse minePulse mine150 Icon electrical0.51002000010a344


Placed trap name 
Icon damage 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Fo4FH bear trapBear trap Gametitle-FO4 FH8xx054072
Bleeding bear trapBleeding bear trap Gametitle-FO4 FH8xx0540f7
CaltropsCaltrops Gametitle-FO4 FH0.5xx05406e
Poisoned caltropsPoisoned caltrops Gametitle-FO4 FH0.5xx0540ed



Icon blade 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Automatron assaultron bladeAssaultron blade Gametitle-FO4 AUT1719.8Medium35350xx008b8e
Chinese officer sword (FO4)Chinese officer sword1618.7Medium350.4635016.700147be4
Chinese officer sword (FO4)General Chao's Revenge2834Medium350.83775258.3

Chinese officer sword (FO4)Sword of Wonders Gametitle-FO4 NW16Medium3325108.3xx050dd3

Chinese officer sword (FO4)Zao's sword1622Medium350.4635016.7001f0860
Fallout4 Combat knifeCombat knife916Fast200.4512525000913ca
Pickmans BladePickman's Blade1559.9Fast200.751143143
Fo4DisciplesBlade HackingBladeModDisciples blade Gametitle-FO4 NW20Fast2011.58053.3xx01aabc
Fo4DisciplesBlade HackingBladeModThroatslicer Gametitle-FO4 NW20Fast2011.5xx04e422
Grognaks axeGrognak's axe2529.8Medium201.25101001000183fcd
Fallout4 MacheteMachete1416.2Medium300.4722512.500033fe0
Kremvh's ToothKremvh's Tooth28 + 3 Icon poison50.2Medium300.93 + 0.1 Icon poison22500022576d
Mr. Handy buzz bladeMr. Handy buzz blade Gametitle-FO4 AUT526.2Very Fast401050xx0020f8
Revolutionary swordRevolutionary sword1618.7Medium350.4635016.700143ab5
Shem Drowne swordShem Drowne sword16 + 9 Icon radiation20.4Medium350.46 + 0.26 Icon radiation32508.30000364a
Ripper (Fallout 4)Ripper421Very Fast400.76508.3000fa2f6
Ripper (Fallout 4)Reckoning425Very Fast406508.3000fa2f6
Ripper (Fallout 4)The Harvester Gametitle-FO4 FH4Very Fast40625041.7xx04fa7e
Shishkebab (Fallout 4)Shishkebab13 + 13 Icon electrical15.3Medium350.37 + 0.37 Icon electrical320067000fa2fb
Fo4 switchbladeSwitchblade814.6Fast200.412020000fdc81


Icon blunt 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Natural baseball bat fo4Baseball bat1612.1Slow350.463258.30008e736
Cedar Baseball Bat2076 World Series baseball bat1616.5Slow350.463325108.300226438
Cito'sShinySlugger-NukaWorld-MeleeCito's Shiny Slugger Gametitle-FO4 NW123Slow7.517528.3
FencebusterFencebuster Gametitle-FO4 FH44Slow351.26312541.7
Rockville SluggerRockville Slugger2112.7Slow2113.513338001f2674
Commie WhackerCommie Whacker Gametitle-FO4 NW10Medium250.422512.5xx052926
Fo4 lead pipeLead pipe1112.8Medium300.373155000fc9c3
Fallout4 Pipe wrenchPipe wrench1315.3Medium350.3723015000d83bf
Fallout4 Pipe wrenchBig Jim1317.9Medium350.37215075
Pole hookPole hook Gametitle-FO4 FH63Slow407527.4xx009582

Pole hookBloodletter Gametitle-FO4 FH30Slow407527.4
Pole hookThe Fish Catcher Gametitle-FO4 FH86Slow731244.6xx05158d
Fallout4 Pool cuePool cue139.9Slow300.4311010000fa3e8
Fallout4 Rolling pinRolling pin1112.8Medium250.441101000142fab
Fallout4 Security BatonSecurity baton1112.8Medium300.372157.50008c14d
Fo4 sledgehammerSledgehammer2317.6Slow400.5812403.3000e7ab9
Super sledge (Fallout 4)Super sledge4030.8Slow450.89201809000ff964
Atoms JudgementAtom's Judgement Gametitle-FO4 FH40 + 100 Icon radiationSlow4520
Natural baseball bat fo4Swatter17 ?Slow350.493301000061721
Fallout4 Tire IronTire iron1213.6Medium250.4822512.500185d25
Walking caneWalking cane1011.9Medium200.52105000fdc7d


Icon blunt 
Icon damage 
Icon dps 
Icon attack 
Icon critical damage 
Icon action 
Icon dap 
Icon weight 
Icon merchant 
Icon ratio 
Base ID 
Fallout4 boxing gloveBoxing glove910.2Medium250.36110100016498f
Deathclaw gauntlet (Fallout 4)Deathclaw gauntlet2529.8Medium400.6310757.5000d8576
Fallout4 KnucklesKnuckles109.4Medium250.40.510200005524b
Meat hookMeat hook Gametitle-FO4 FH20Medium232xx04b5f4
Meat hookButcher's Hook Gametitle-FO4 FH20Medium2
Power fist (Fallout 4)Power fist2023.8Medium350.574100250011b336
